
“The Network Scale-up Method and the Degree Ratio,” Invited Presentation, Simon Fraser University Statistics & Actuarial Science Seminar, Burnaby. December 2023

“A Correlated Network Scale-up Model: Finding the Connection Between Subpopulations,” Invited Presentation, ASA/IMS Spring Research Conference, Banff. May 2023

“A Case-Control Sampling Strategy for Zero-Inflated Models with an Application to Female Sex Worker Mapping in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Invited Presentation, Montana American Statistical Association Chapter Meeting, Bozeman. October 2022

“Finding the Hidden Populations: A Correlated Network Scale-up Model,” Contributed Presentation, Joint Statistical Meetings, Virtual Conference. August 2021

“Finding the Hidden Populations: A Correlated Network Scale-up Model,” Contributed Presentation, World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Virtual Conference. June 2021

“Creating an R Package,” Penn State Statistics Graduate Student Association Workshop, November 2020

“Introduction to RStan,” Penn State Statistics Graduate Student Association Workshop, November 2019 and October 2020

“The POWER Structure and Why an 80% Correct Solution is Sometimes Better Than a 100% Correct Solution,” Topic-Contribued Session, Joint Statistical Meetings, Denver. August 2019

“The Modified Matérn Process,” SIAM Front Range Applied Mathematics Student Conference, University of Colorado at Denver, Denver, Colorado. March 2016


“Finding the Hidden Populations: A Correlated Network Scale-up Model,” Contributed Poster, World Meeting of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis, Virtual Conference. June 2021

Invited Poster: “Modeling the Marked Presence-Only Data: A Case Study of Estimating the Female Sex Worker Size in Malawi,” Laga, I., Bao, Le., and Niu, X, Joint Statistical Meetings, Philadelphia. August 2020


networkscaleup: Provides a variety of Network Scale-up Models for researchers to analyze Aggregated Relational Data, mostly through the use of Stan. Available for download on CRAN

MCPModGeneral: R-package to supplement the DoseFinding package for non-normal data. Available for download on CRAN